Saffron, Basil & Courgette Gigli


This recipe has been around for quite some time and it was one of my favourite pasta dishes growing up. It’s ready in less than 30 min and it’s beyond delicious.
My mum used to make it with penne. I used a different shape to make it look a bit fancier but the truth is that penne and rigatoni are absolutely the best because you get a good amount of sauce stuck inside (yum).

This is an old school recipe that contains a small amount of cream that helps all the ingredients come together in this fresh and tasty dish. The saffron gives you a very distinct taste that goes incredibly well with the sweetness of courgettes. The basil is the finishing touch that gives you extra freshness.

Make sure you pick the right courgettes. Ideally try and get the Romana variety as it’s naturally sweeter and seedless. Avoid using the standard courgettes that you would find in every supermarket as they are normally soft, full of seeds and water. The result would be disappointing! As an alternative you can either use baby courgettes or trombetta courgettes. Enjoy!


(for 2 hungry people)

250g pasta
300g courgettes
150g single cream
1 pinch of saffron
6-8 basil leaves
2 spring onions
3 tbsp olive oil
salt & pepper
Coarse salt for the pasta water (2 handfuls)
Grated Parmesan to serve (optional)

Step by Step

  • Cut you courgettes into thin roundels (approx 3mm) and put them aside

  • Cut your basil in thin strips and set aside

  • Add the olive oil in a non stick pan and saute your thinly sliced spring onions

  • Add in the courgetters, salt and the saffron. Mix well and cover with a lid for a few minutes

  • In the meantime bring water to boil in a big and deep pot. Add the coarse salt and as soon as the water starts boiling again drop your pasta in

  • With a mug, take out some of the boiling water from your pasta pot and set it aside

  • While the pasta cooks, add the cream in the pan with the courgettes and mix well. Let it cook for a few minutes until it thickens a bit

  • When ready, drain the pasta, mix it with the sauce and add in your fresh basil strips. Use part of the starchy water you’ve set aside to achieve a creamier result. Just add it a few tablespoon at a time and mix vigorously until you get the desired result. Add grated parmesan on top (optional) and serve!

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Crunchy Yolk, British Asparagus & New Potatoes

